Scala scripting language for windows

Windows scripting languages alex angelopoulos aka at mvps dot org language certainly makes a difference. This library provides a jsr223compliant scripting plugin for the scala language. The ammoniterepl is an improved scala repl, reimplemented from first principles. Scriptenginefactory, it also provides some functionality on top, such as the ability to generate lines of script code based on scijava events. Both of the above options manage via sbt a specific scala version per scala project you create. See how to use it in your repl, add it to an existing project, or use it as a standalone shell.

It is objectoriented like most web programming languages. For example, say these lines are in a file called count. The scala programming language has traditionally been a tool used. Scripting languages and the arcgis rest apiarcgis server. I know scala is a compiled language, but i do also know that i can dynamically load classes into the jvm, and i can call the scala compiler at runtime, last but not least i do also have an awesome repl, so having scala as a scripting language should be possible. Net, dont be worried about the inner details of scala yet. First of all, open your internet browser, and get to the home page of scala. Jul 10, 2014 even though a lot of scala proponents argue that the language is simple due to having less keywords, this is somewhat misleading, as its the combination of varying programming paradigms which. Many complex application programs provide builtin languages that let users automate tasks. Scala programs can convert to bytecodes and can run on the jvm java virtual machine. In a traditional sense, scripting languages are designed to automate frequently used tasks that usually involve calling or passing commands to external programs. Mar 21, 2019 microsofts typescript programming language rising fast, almost makes top 10. Introduction to scala programming language journaldev. Scala script will enable you to write your scripts in programming language.

Scala for scripting the apache software foundation. Ammonite lets you use the scala language for scripting purposes. Ammoniterepl does not support windows, even though ammoniteops does. It is much more featureful than the default repl and comes with a lot of ergonomic improvements and configurability that may be familiar to people coming from ides or other repls such as ipython or zsh. Scala is a scripting language which runs on the java machine and is used by spark for scripting.

Scala vs python choosing the best language for apache spark by susan may apache spark is a highspeed cluster computing technology, that accelerates the hadoop computational software process and was introduced by apache software foundation. Scala enforces type system that provides constraints and abstractions to be used in a safe and coherent manner in other words scala is a strongly typed language. Testing scala with sbt and scalatest on the command line. Microsofts typescript programming language rising fast. In java 8 the nashorn scripting engine was released as a native component.

As you can see from the code, you can put your scala code in a shell script and then execute it like a normal shell script, which is what i wanted. Programming in scala, martin odersky, lex spoon, bill venners. Scriptengine, scriptenginefactory binding application objects into scripts. Filter by license to discover only free or open source alternatives. It is a pure objectoriented programming language which also provides support to the functional programming approach. I will keep this tutorial very high level as we will have othe. It has many features that are similar to scala, and usually ends up being very concise and readable. If you dont know any scripting on windows or linux, no problem. This article will help you with a comprehensive approach to scala programming language with the help of examples on every topic in scala. Scala includes interactive shell and scripting support. This greatly reduces the barrier to entry of getting started writing scala code, and allows scala to be used for common housekeeping work at the commandline, much like python or ruby is used today. Scala is a modern multiparadigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and typesafe way. Php is a widelyused generalpurpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into html. In this tutorial, we will go over the scala programming language.

Scala smoothly integrates the features of objectoriented and functional languages. Execute scala script on windows command prompt youtube. Scripting with a very high level language makes things very easier for the programmer who has a little bit experience in scripting. Java is an open source and platformindependent programming language, which can be used for almost any situation thanks to its versatility. Jul 18, 2015 scripting with a very high level language makes things very easier for the programmer who has a little bit experience in scripting.

Scala scripts in windows batch files stack overflow. Alternatives to scala for windows, linux, mac, bsd, web and more. We shall see if scala scripting manages to find a niche within the scala community and ecosystem. Scala is unusual because it is usually installed for each of your scala projects rather than being installed systemwide. There are literally thousands of computing languages out there in the real world and many have some relevance to scripting on windows. The reference scala software distribution, including compiler and libraries, is released under the apache license. I will demonstrate this scala scripting file format, explain how it works, and what place it could find in the scala ecosystem today. The type system support includes variance annotations, generic classes, upper and lower bounds, explicitly typed self references, views and polymorphic methods. The tour of scala for bitesized introductions to scalas features.

Also, all the huge libraries of java scientific code can be easily accessible and many times with a more convenient syntax. But its also possible to install scala in numerous other ways. Scala scripting avoids many of the limitations of the statusquo scala world. Scala combines objectoriented and functional programming in one concise, highlevel language. Getting started with scala and sbt on the command line.

I hope this scala shell script example, and discussion of the code, has been helpful. Compared to other programming languages, installing scala is a bit unusual. Scala is an amalgamation of objectorientation programming language and functional programming language which runs on the jvm java virtual machine. Scala is a generalpurpose, highlevel, multiparadigm programming language. This hook adds support for the scala language as scripting langage in the liferay script console. Designed to be concise, many of scalas design decisions aimed to address criticisms of java. Warts of the scala programming languageprinciples of automated.

The scala book, which provides a set of short lessons introducing scalas main features. I would like to do things like for example,lock workstation at automatic login i had this in xwindow but the solution was pretty ugly. I think each language has its faults, and im not sure if scala is the best for scripting and that sort of thing. You want to use scala as a scripting language on unix systems, replacing other scripts youve written in a unix shell bourne shell, bash, perl, php, ruby, etc. Scala is a generalpurpose programming language providing support for functional. Download scala scripting hook for liferay for free. Scalas static types help avoid bugs in complex applications. Save your scala code to a text file, making sure the first three lines of the script contain the lines shown, which will execute the script using the scala interpreter. Now, the reason i suggest scala as a scripting language is that, via ammonite, you can write scala scripts that use any java or scala library without actually. Scala is highly influenced by java and some other programming languages like lisp. Scala scripting is an opensource project that lets you use the scala programming language for scripting purposes. Scala has been created by martin odersky and he released the first version in 2003.

Cherry on the cake, this plugin is written in scala, so this is a good example to write liferay plugin with scala language. Scripting for the java language allow scripts access to the java platform scripting for java serverside applications executing scripts. Overview of the most wellknown web programming languages. Problem you want to use scala as a scripting language on unix systems, replacing other scripts youve written in a unix shell bourne shell, bash, perl, php, ruby, etc. Microsoft typescript is popular and its here to stay as a prominent language, according to analyst redmonk. Im looking for crossplatform scripting language for windows, linux, macos x. Scala vs python choosing the best language for apache spark. Scala s static types help avoid bugs in complex applications, and its jvm and javascript runtimes let you build highperformance systems with easy access to huge ecosystems of libraries. This means that it focuses on concrete applications. Scala is a powerful highlevel programming language that incorporates. Scala is a modern multiparadigm programming language based on the java virtual machine jvm designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and typesafe way. Oct 26, 2019 the scripting language is based on the scala programming language enhanced with high level scientific operators and with an integrated environment that provides a matlablike working style.

To see a detailed list of changes for each version of scala please refer to the changelog. Installing scala and trying the interpreter on windows. Scala tutorial scala is a modern multiparadigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and. Personally, i try to use groovy for any semicomplicated sort of script. If you are new to scala or coming from other programming backgrounds like java or. Scala has traditionally been a heavy, powerful language with heavy, powerful tools, and ammonite aims to let you use it for small, simple tasks as well. From the menus, select download scala, under software, or click on the download scala link on the right, under scala quick links. Jsr223 is the community request to allow scripting language to have an interface to java and to allow java to use the scripting language inside of applications.

Scala began life in 2003, created by martin odersky and his. Its vast number of web frameworks and libraries, which generally have comprehensive documentation, makes it easier to create even highly complex. Ammonite ammonite is a handy library that enables scripting for scala. Windows powershell is the official scripting language of the operating system, and it is integrated within all current versions of the windows os, and available for download for past versions of the os. It is implemented as a scriptlanguage plugin for the scijava common platform, which means that in addition to being usable directly as a javax. Scala 2020 full offline installer setup for pc 32bit64bit scala combines objectoriented and functional programming in one concise, highlevel language. Scripting language has two apparently different, but in fact similar, meanings.

Windows powershell indeed comes equipped with some powerful scripting constructs that enable it to accomplish all the tasks youre used to seeing in a scripting language. A new feature of the ammonite project, scala scripting lets you write tiny, selfcontained scala scripts that you can run quicklyandconveniently from the command line using the amm script runner. Apps for scala scala is also a platform with 2 apps listed on alternativeto. What is the best scripting language for windows and why. The %0 means the name of this file itself so that scala can find it, and % are the parameters that were passed in its execution. Scala was created by martin odersky and promoted by typesafe company. The rest api examples in the arcgis server help use python.